If you’re curious what we believe at Salt Company, it is fundamentally these three things:

1 - Every person was created by God and for God.

Through his creativity and love, God created every person on purpose. Therefore, every person has secure value, worth, and importance. No exceptions. 

2 - Every person has been corrupted by darkness.

Each of us have become selfish and self-reliant which creates distance between us and God. Therefore every person is desperate for mercy from God. No exceptions there either. 

3 - Jesus came to destroy darkness and give us life.

He did it by living perfectly as a man, dying sacrificially on the cross, and rising victoriously from the dead. Jesus proved that he was exactly who he claimed to be: the Savior of the world. He has power over darkness and offers his victory to anyone who calls on his name. You cannot earn this victory. You can only receive it through faith in Jesus.

No one is too bad to receive grace from God. No one is so good that they don’t need it.